Let the Confluence buttons bar look niftier!
A long time ago, there was [http://klumpp.net/blog/archives/106-Let-Confluence-Edit-and-Add-Page-buttons-float-in-your-view.html our article], where we let the Confluence buttons float with us when scrolling down or up. In my opinion, this has been serving us very well and it still works in [http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence Confluence 4.2.1].
Now, lets style the button bar to look more like this:
You can either add this style to the "Space Admin / Stylesheet" menus or to the "Confluence Admin / Custom HTML / At end of the HEAD" entry.
To make it rounded and transparent, use this:
Of course you can adjust these settings. This article just wanted to give you a hint of what's possible.
Have fun, Paul