I have been using Confluence for a long time now, running business and using it privately for organising family stuff. Wikis are all about ease of use. So, if a wiki page is full of content, it often happens that you scroll down a lot. You read, read on... And there you find a small typo or something else that you want to edit.
In Mediawiki, you would find the next "edit section"-button and are set to go.
But for Confluence (by the time of writing, 3.2 is the latest version), this means, you would have to scroll all up again or hit they Home-Key on the keyboard. You could as well press alt+e to edit the page, but in Google Chrome, alt+e is reserved for another function already. So, that toolbar needs to come to where the user is, always to the current view.
Also, I think the "one-click-edit"-Paradigma needs to live on. Here I wrote a small Javascript that moves the Edit and Add-Page buttons down and up while you scroll! This works for JS-DOM compatible browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome.
As Confluence Administrator, navigate to the "Custom HTML" section and put the following code into "At end of the HEAD".
http://klumpp.net/blog/ am : How to let the Confluence buttons look cool
http://klumpp.net/blog/ am : HOWTO: Confluence Edit-Leiste beim Scrollen per jQuery mitbewegen